British Herb Trade Association Technical Event

Technical Meeting
Thursday 22nd November 2018
Syngenta, Jealotts Hill,
- 10.00 Registration and Coffee
- 10.30 Welcome to the day- Claire Donkin, BHTA
- 10.45 Syngenta Facilities tour
- 12.00Syngenta Update
- 12.30 Lunch
- 1.00 Controlling basil downy mildew with alternatives to fungicide: outcomes from tests in the UK and Italy from the H2020 “EMPHASIS” project- Jane Thomas, NIAB
- 1.20 PE024 Basil Downy Mildew project update-Tom Wood, NIAB
- 1.45 Xylella, an emerging threat- Michael Robinson and Joanna Maczko, Animal and Plant Health Agency
- 2.15 Refreshment Break
- 2.30 SCEPTREplus.- Joe Martin, AHDB
- 3.00 Herbicide screen- Angela Huckle ADAS
- 3.30 Technical update and study tour report- Claire Donkin, BHTA
- 4.00 Day Closes
To find out more or to book your place please contact