Garden pots

Planting herbs in the garden offers many opportunities to either visually enhance or provide a range of ready to cut culinary herbs, or both.
Originally found growing wild in forests, on mountainsides and in hedgerows around the world, herbs continue to attract attention not only for their culinary and medicinal values, but their fantastic visual appearance.
Careful plant selection and hybridisation now offers the gardener the chance to purchase from garden centres and specialist nurseries a wide selection of herbs which offer colourful flowers, many foliage types and fantastic scents. A carefully selected range of plants can add new and exciting features to your shrubberies, borders, rockeries, tubs, window boxes or hanging baskets.
Purpose built herb gardens can be found in monasteries, country houses and formal gardens throughout the World. Whether planted for culinary use or for the visual / aroma features, herb plants remain a mainstay of the British garden. Garden herb producers in Britain produce some of the most fantastic varieties.
Seasonality chart
British Herbs Seasonality chart. PDF 210Kb

Giant Couscous Tabouleh