Salmon with Coriander Sauce

Salmon with Coriander Sauce


• 1 large bunch coriander, chopped
• 4 (175g/6oz) salmon fillets
• zest and juice 1 juicy lime
• salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 150ml/¼pt dry white wine
• 6 tbsp half fat creme fraiche
• a pinch of sugar

Serves 4

Prep time 5 mins

Cooking time 25 mins


Energy kCals 372
Protein g 36.1
Carbohydrate g 3.2
Fat g 22.7
Saturated Fat g 6.0
Fibre (Englyst) g 0.0
Salt g 0.23



1. Preheat the oven to 180C/Fan 160C/Gas Mark 4. Remove the stalks from the coriander and roughly chop them. Roughly chop the leaves separately. Place a large sheet of baking parchment on the work surface, place the salmon fillets on one side of the sheet.
2. Scatter over half the coriander leaves, the lime zest and juice. Season with salt and pepper. Fold over the paper to enclose the salmon and scrumple the edges together to seal. Place on a baking tray and bake for 20 mins.
3. Meanwhile, place the wine and coriander stalks in a small pan and bring to the boil, simmer until the wine is reduced by half. Strain and return the wine to pan, discard the stalks. Now add the crème fraiche, sugar and chopped coriander leaves and gently reheat. When hot remove from the heat and set aside.
4. To make the herb salad, place the watercress leaves in a bowl, add the chives, oil and lemon juice and toss until coated.
5. Remove the salmon from the oven and arrange the fillets on four plates, tip any juices from the baking paper into the sauce and finally season the sauce to taste. Serve with rice.


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