Barbequed Greek Herb Leg of Lamb with Greek Salad

Barbequed Greek Herb Leg of Lamb with Greek Salad


• Handful fresh oregano leaves
• Handful fresh Greek basil sprigs
• The leaves of 5-6 sprigs of thyme
• 1 lemon, thinly sliced
• 5 cloves garlic, peeled
• Salt and pepper
• 1 tbsp paprika
• 3 tbsps olive oil
• ½ leg lamb, butterflied to 1 ½ inches thick
• Handful fresh mint leaves
• Handful flat leaf parsley
• ½ clove garlic, grated
• Juice 1 lemon
• Pinch cayenne pepper
• 3 tbsps olive oil
• Salt and pepper
• 1 cucumber, peeled and seeded, finely chopped
• 3 tomatoes, quartered and seeded, finely chopped
• 3 spring onions
• 200g feta cheese, crumbled
• 100g pitted kalamata olives, drained
• Flat breads to serve

Serves 4

Prep time 15 mins

Marinating time 2-24 hours

Cooking time 20 mins


1. Place the oregano, basil, thyme, lemon slices, garlic, salt, pepper and paprika on a chopping board and with a large cooks knife chop everything together for about 3 mins or until it begins to resemble a chunky paste. (You can do this in a blender to save time but it never gets as even as when doing it by hand). Place the paste in a roasting tray and mix with the olive oil. Season the lamb with salt and pepper then toss in the marinade. For best results marinade overnight in the fridge but if you're pushed for time then a good 2 hours out of the fridge will be fine.
2. Light a barbeque. When the coals are glowing and ash white, with no flames and the heat has lost its fierceness, but is still glowing, lay the lamb, skin side down on the rack. Barbeque for 10 mins on each side or until the lamb is nicely charred but remains pink and moist inside. Remove from the heat and cover with foil, then leave to rest for 20 mins.
3. Meanwhile, place the mint, parsley, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper in a small food processor and blitz until smooth. Place the cucumber, tomatoes, spring onion, feta and olives in a salad bowl and mix with the salad dressing.
4. Quickly heat up your flat breads on the barbeque turning after 1 min. Slice the lamb width ways into 8mm slices. Serve the flat breads, topped with salad and a couple of slices of lamb. Drizzle with any juice and scatter with some fresh Greek basil leaves.


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